Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Yeah Science - November 21st @ Yulli's

Hello sciencey friends,

It's not long until the second of the Yeah Sessions - 'Yeah Science'. We're both extremely happy to report that the first Yeah Science was a big success - there were bees, there was tequila, and there was dancing (at least, it was mentioned). There were herring gulls, and there was mildly cognisant, but occasionaly irrational mould.

We've acquired a splendid myriad of topics for you to feast upon, for Yeah Science November. In no particular order:

- Are sharks humble creatures who just want friends, hugs and lols? Are they the douchebags of the ocean? Do we have a scientifically valid reason to tremble with fear at the thought of dipping our toes into the ocean?

- The daunting topic of female sexuality, and specifically, the orgasm response, will be explored from a neuroscientific perspective.

- Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician and an astronomer. His beard was significantly better than yours, and you can hear about his exploits, and his vast contribution to science.

- Morality: it helps us decide how to divide our Kit-Kats between our peers. There's plenty of contention around the source of our morality. Induced by God? Sourced from nature? We'll explore the question from a scientific perspective.

- Sound. It warns us of predators, it enables communication, and it gives us the music of Mozart, Radiohead and Justin Bieber. But how does it work? Join us to find out.

The speakers, in no particular order:

- Tim Dean
- Jonathan Dawes
- Penelope Clayson
- Sophie Maltabrow
- Andrew Edgson

The venue is the fantastic vegetarian restaurant Yullis - for directions from Central station, looky below. The beers are delicious, the food is tasty and the wine is velvety.

It's about 8.2 minutes walk from Central station.

View Larger Map

You should come. It will be fun, and there will be unjustified profanity.

K & K