Thursday, 27 December 2012

Yeah Science - 21/11/2012 - Orgasms in an MRI

The second of the Yeah Sessions, Yeah Science, was held on the 21st of November, at the wonderful Surry Hills bar / restaurant Yullis.

The fourth talk has been uploaded onto the tubes - it was about orgasms as seen by an 'MRI' - a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, and the potential benefits this research can bring to women who have had their senses revoked due to spinal cord injuries. Clicky here to watch on said tubes, or simply direct your eyeballs towards the embedded video.

The talk was delivered by Penelope Clayson - Penny is an aficionado human behaviour, the human brain and photos of Tom Hanks.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Yeah Science - 21/11/2012 - The Loudness Wars

Hello my dear sensory receptors,

The second of the Yeah Sessions, Yeah Science, was held on the 21st of November, at the wonderful Surry Hills bar / restaurant Yullis.

Talk #3 from Yeah science has been edited and uploaded - Andrew Edgson gave this talk,about the steady increase in volume, and consequent decrease in 'dynamic range' in the mastering process of commercial music. Click here to watch the video on youtube, or cast your percept upon the embedded video below.

Andrew 'Eggy' Edgson is a mastering engineer at studios 301, and has worked with very fancy artists such as Mark Ronson and Art vs Science.

Check out his biography and discography on the 301 website.

And hear Andrew talking to ABC Radio National about the return of the Cassette tape here.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Yeah Science - 21/11/2012 - Johannes Kepler

Hello my sentient friends,

The second of the Yeah Sessions, Yeah Science, was held on the 21st of November, at the wonderful Surry Hills bar / restaurant Yullis.

Talk number two was delivered by Sophie Maltabrow, and was about the amazing life and discoveries of Johannes Kepler, a man whose religious philosophies drove many of his scientific discoveries. Enjoy the embeddedness of the video below, or have a click on here to watch it on youtube.

Sophie works in law, and studied at Sydney University. She loves thing that are Russian, and appreciates Kepler's well-presented beard.

Enjoy, friends!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Yeah Science - 21/11/2012 - Morality Without God

Hello humans,

The second of the Yeah Sessions, Yeah Science, was held on the 21st of November, at the wonderful Surry Hills bar / restaurant Yullis.

The first talk was a fascinating look into the concept of a naturally occurring moral intuition in human beings - morality without mystical, metaphysical or supernatural intervention. Have a looky at the embedded video below, or have a clicky here to watch the video on the Youtubules.

Tim Dean is an established science journalist, and editor of the Australian Life Scientist Magazine.

He is completing a PhD in philosophy at UNSW, researching the evolution of morality.

Check out his blog here

And read his fantastic articles on ABC's The Drum, here

Meanwhile, stay moral, science-friends.